# Brick Daemon Configuration # # Run 'brickd.exe --check-config' to check config for errors. # Network Connectivity # # Brick Daemon supports the Tinkerforge Protocol over plain TCP/IP connections, # over WebSocket connections and over special Mesh Gateway connections for the # WIFI Extension 2.0 Mesh. Hence, it uses three different server sockets. # # The address can either be a dotted-decimal IPv4 address or a hexadecimal # IPv6 address. It can also be a hostname such as localhost. If an IPv6 address # is given or the hostname gets resolved to an IPv6 address then the dual_stack # option controls if dual-stack mode gets enabled (on) or disabled (off) for # the sockets bound to that address. # # By default WebSocket support is disabled, by setting the port to 0. To enable # WebSocket support set the WebSocket port to a value different from 0, the # recommended port is 4280. WebSocket support is disabled by default due to # security reasons. If WebSocket support is enabled then any website you open # in your browser can freely connect to your local Brick Daemon and control the # Bricks and Bricklets connected to it. We strongly recommend that you enable # authentication if you enabled WebSocket support. # # Brick Daemon listens on the Mesh Gateway port for incoming Mesh Gateway # connections from a WIFI Extension 2.0 Mesh. # # The default values are, 4223, 0 (disabled), 4240 and off. listen.address = listen.plain_port = 4223 listen.websocket_port = 0 listen.mesh_gateway_port = 4240 listen.dual_stack = off # Network Authentication # # The Tinkerforge Protocol supports authentication on a per-connection basis. # By default authentication is disabled for backward compatibility. If it is # enabled then an IP Connection has to prove to the Brick Daemon that it knows # the authentication secret via a handshake mechanism, before it can do any # useful communication with Bricks and Bricklets. # # The authentication secret is an ASCII encoded string with up to 64 characters. # An empty secret means that authentication is disabled. If the secret is longer # than 64 characters then Brick Daemon will complain and refuse to start. # # If you enable WebSocket support then we strongly recommend that you also # enable authentication. # # The default value is an empty string (disabled). authentication.secret = # Logging # # Each log message has a certain severity level attached to it. The visibility # of log messages is controlled by their severity levels. Log messages with a # severity level above or equal to the configured level are included in the log # output, all other log messages are excluded. # # Valid levels are error, warn, info and debug. The default value is info. # It means that log messages on error, warn and info level are included, but # messages on debug level are excluded. This can be overridden with the --debug # command line option that sets the severity to debug. # # If the severity level is set to debug then the visibility of debug messages # can be controlled by a comma separated list of filter statements (FIXME: Add # more details about filter statements). # # The default values are info and an empty string (all message are included). log.level = info log.debug_filter =