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Posts erstellt von kylerlaird

  1. I'm trying to use a PoE Ethernet Brick to allow me to communicate with a distant IMU Brick.  I'm trying to get it to work initially with just my RED Brick.


    I've tried it on top and below the RED Brick but I don't see any DHCP requests coming from it.  I'm guessing that I need to configure it through the RED Brick first.  I'm documenting here in case it helps someone else (or me in the future...) and in the hope that someone might give me pointers.


    First, I note that PoE will power the RED either atop or below it.  The RED only sees the Ethernet interface if the RED is below.



  2. I use an IMU2 to maintain my tractor's heading.  I would like to use it to estimate displacement over the 100ms period between my (10Hz) GPS updates.  For now, I am only interested in displacement along X.  In other words, if Y is aligned with the line I'm driving, how far away from the line have I moved in the last 0.1 second?


    I've tried accumulating acceleration[0] at various rates, resetting every 100ms, and moving the IMU back and forth by hand.  It seems to be only vaguely related to displacement along X.


    Is this a reasonable thing to do with the IMU?  Am I missing something obvious?


    Thank you.



  3. I have a couple IMU Brick 2.0s and love them!  They are an amazing improvement over the plain RAZOR IMU I'd tried earlier.  I'm using one as a simple compass for a tractor experiment.  It works beautifully.


    It would be great if I could put the rest of the data from the IMU to use through ROS.  I see that the tinkerforge_laser_transform package includes publication of IMU data.


    I'm a ROS beginner and it's not obvious to me how to use this without the laser rangefinder.  Is there an easy way?


    I'm trying to cobble together an autopilot for my tractor.  I have a Navio+ (for APM) but I am leaning toward building a completely ROS solution if possible.


    Or...I could add my Red Brick and I/O bricklets and pretty much have all the hardware I need in a single stack.  Then I would just need to write/find Python autopilot code.  Anyone know of such a project?





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