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Posts erstellt von Austin71

  1. Can I ask a follow up question?  Your suggestion worked and we are now able to run the stepper motor.  However, when execution of the following test block is finished, I have memory leaks.  Obviously, this block doesn't do anything except connect and release, but I wanted to isolate the memory leak problem:



    IPConnection ipcon;



    Stepper stepper;

    stepper_create(&stepper, UID, &ipcon);






    My output windows shows:


    Detected memory leaks!

    Dumping objects ->

    {586} normal block at 0x006E50C0, 4248 bytes long.

    Data: <    5  6n    > 01 00 00 00 20 35 F6 C0 E0 36 6E 00 02 00 00 CD

    Object dump complete.


    Thank you for any advice.

  2. I am creating a C++/MFC program to run the stepper motor.  I have included "ws2_32.lib" and "advapi32.lib" in the project properties (linker additional dependencies).


    I am using the following defines:


    #define HOST "localhost"

    #define PORT 4223

    #define UID "5W5jBJ" // Obtained from running brick viewer

    I am using the following code, taken from the example code:


    // Create IP connection

    IPConnection ipcon;



    // Create device object

    Stepper stepper;

    stepper_create(&stepper, UID, &ipcon);


    // Connect to brickd

    if (ipcon_connect(&ipcon, HOST, PORT) < 0)


      //returns -4


    Everything compiles fine, but I can't connect.  I have loaded the brickd drivers for the stepper motor, and I can connect and run the stepper motor using brick viewer.


    Any clues as to what I may be doing wrong?  Thanks.


  3. Friends:


    I'm completely new to Tinkerforge, forgive my ignorance.  When attempting to compile a solution using Visual Studio 2015, I get several compiler errors in the file ip_connection.c, which for my project I have renamed ip_connection.cpp.


    All of the errors relate to use of deprecated terms or string functions which have been declared unsafe.  Is there a newer version of these files?  Any other remedies?



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