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Posts erstellt von Siddhant

  1. So you mean after configuring the RS485 extensions indicidually using a Master Brick, i can later stack all the configured RS485 bricks on top of 1 Master brick? Should that work? Like in the following example i mentioned above?

    IMU Stack 1                        Single Receiver Stack 
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(1)
    IMU Stack 2            
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(2)
    IMU Stack 3
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(3)
    IMU Stack 4
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(4)
    IMU Stack 5            
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(5)
    IMU Stack 6            
    (Master + IMU + RS485) <---------->RS485(6)
  2. Also I am looking to integrate a total of 6 IMU stacks in the project that will send gyroscope data to a PC from 6 different arms. I will use Labview to read this data. Does this mean i will need 6 Sets of IMU Stacks and Receiver Stacks:

    IMU Stack 1..6         Receiver Stack 1..6
    IMU                    Master<---------------------->PC

    Or can I do it like this (Using multiple IMU Stacks (IMU+Master+RS485) on the input side connected to one Receiver RS485 Extension for each and one Master for all the receiving RS485 stacks):

    IMU Stack 1             Receiver Stack 1
    RS485       <---------->RS485(1)
    IMU Stack 2 <---------->RS485(2)
    IMU Stack 3 <---------->RS485(3)
    IMU Stack 4 <---------->RS485(4)
    IMU Stack 5 <---------->RS485(5)
    IMU Stack 6 <---------->RS485(6)

    If i can do this, any tips on how to configure each receiver RS485 using the Receiver Master?

  3. Hi,

    I was wondering how the 2 components work together exactly. Can i directly mount the RS485 master extension on the IMU Brick using the stack connector and then use the RS485 to get the output signals? Or do i need another Master brick in between? Requirement is to send the IMU Gyroscope signals/values over a distance of more than 10 meters atleast and could go upto 20 meters.

    Any help is appreciated.

    IMU Brick: https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Hardware/Bricks/IMU_V2_Brick.html

    RS485 Master Extension: https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Hardware/Master_Extensions/RS485_Extension.html#rs485-extension



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