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Alle erstellten Inhalte von EAmmelt1

  1. Gleiche Situation über, aber ich habe gerade die Ursache gefunden: Ich muss (natürlich) in den Sandbox Entitlements Netzwerkverbindungen erlauben. Danke für Deine Hilfe, Eberhard
  2. Dann hier der ganze Report: 2022-06-15T14-02-45-547Z Scroll down for event log! {"uptime": 47837, "free_heap_bytes":147912, "largest_free_heap_block":110580, "devices": [], "error_counters": [ {"port": "A", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0},{"port": "B", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0},{"port": "C", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0},{"port": "D", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0},{"port": "E", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0},{"port": "F", "SpiTfpChecksum": 0, "SpiTfpFrame": 0, "TfpFrame": 0, "TfpUnexpected": 0}], "info/modules": {"event_log":true,"esp32_brick":true,"network":true,"ntp":true,"wifi":true,"http":true,"ws":true,"firmware_update":true,"proxy":true,"authentication":true,"device_name":true}, "info/features": [], "info/version": {"firmware":"2.0.1-627e5281","config":"2.0.0"}, "network/config": {"hostname":"esp32-Zj7","enable_mdns":true}, "ntp/config": {"enable":true,"use_dhcp":true,"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","server":"ptbtime1.ptb.de","server2":"ptbtime2.ptb.de"}, "ntp/state": {"synced":true}, "wifi/state": {"connection_state":3,"ap_state":1,"ap_bssid":"44:17:93:60:FD:DD","sta_ip":"","sta_rssi":-77,"sta_bssid":"44:4E:6D:ED:2E:AE"}, "wifi/sta_config": {"enable_sta":true,"ssid":"R2D2","bssid":[68,78,109,237,46,174],"bssid_lock":false,"passphrase":null,"ip":"","gateway":"","subnet":"","dns":"","dns2":""}, "wifi/ap_config": {"enable_ap":true,"ap_fallback_only":false,"ssid":"esp32-Zj7","hide_ssid":false,"passphrase":null,"channel":0,"ip":"","gateway":"","subnet":""}, "proxy/error_counters": {"A":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0},"B":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0},"C":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0},"D":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0},"E":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0},"F":{"SpiTfpChecksum":0,"SpiTfpFrame":0,"TfpFrame":0,"TfpUnexpected":0}}, "proxy/devices": [], "authentication/config": {"enable_auth":false,"username":"","digest_hash":""}, "info/name": {"name":"esp32-Zj7","type":"esp32","display_type":"ESP32 Brick","uid":"Zj7"}, "info/display_name": {"display_name":""}, "reboot": null, "network/config_update": {"hostname":"esp32-Zj7","enable_mdns":true}, "ntp/config_update": {"enable":true,"use_dhcp":true,"timezone":"Europe/Berlin","server":"ptbtime1.ptb.de","server2":"ptbtime2.ptb.de"}, "wifi/scan": null, "wifi/sta_config_update": {"enable_sta":true,"ssid":"R2D2","bssid":[68,78,109,237,46,174],"bssid_lock":false,"passphrase":null,"ip":"","gateway":"","subnet":"","dns":"","dns2":""}, "wifi/ap_config_update": {"enable_ap":true,"ap_fallback_only":false,"ssid":"esp32-Zj7","hide_ssid":false,"passphrase":null,"channel":0,"ip":"","gateway":"","subnet":""}, "authentication/config_update": {"enable_auth":false,"username":"","digest_hash":""}, "info/display_name_update": {"display_name":""}} 0,025 **** TINKERFORGE ESP32 BRICK V2.0.1-627e5281 **** 0,025 329K RAM SYSTEM 295228 HEAP BYTES FREE 0,036 READY. 0,056 Mounted data partition. 16384 of 3538944 bytes (0.5 %) used 0,111 ESP32 Brick config version: 2.0.0 0,112 ESP32 Brick UID: Zj7 0,424 Set timezone to Europe/Berlin 0,579 Starting scan to select unoccupied channel for soft AP. 0,622 mDNS responder started 0,641 Wifi connecting to R2D2 0,645 This is (esp32-Zj7), a ESP32 Brick 1,082 Selecting channel 5 for softAP 1,085 Had to configure soft AP IP address 1 times. 1,085 Wifi soft AP started 1,095 SSID: esp32-Zj7 1,412 MAC address: 44:17:93:60:FD:DD 1,413 IP address: 6,448 Wifi connected to R2D2 6,471 Wifi MAC address: 44:17:93:60:FD:DC 6,472 Wifi got IP address: Connected to BSSID 44:4E:6D:ED:2E:AE 2022-06-15 16:02:29,157 NTP synchronized at 31,441!
  3. esp32-Zj7 funktioniert nicht, ipcon_connect gibt E_HOSTNAME_INVALID zurück. Das Webinterface funktioniert mit Hier der Debug-Report: 0,025 **** TINKERFORGE ESP32 BRICK V2.0.1-627e5281 **** 0,026 329K RAM SYSTEM 295228 HEAP BYTES FREE 0,036 READY. 0,088 Mounted data partition. 16384 of 3538944 bytes (0.5 %) used 0,267 ESP32 Brick config version: 2.0.0 0,268 ESP32 Brick UID: Zj7 0,587 Set timezone to Europe/Berlin 0,848 Starting scan to select unoccupied channel for soft AP. 0,928 mDNS responder started 0,946 Wifi connecting to R2D2 0,950 This is (esp32-Zj7), a ESP32 Brick 1,351 Selecting channel 5 for softAP 1,354 Had to configure soft AP IP address 1 times. 1,354 Wifi soft AP started 1,364 SSID: esp32-Zj7 1,681 MAC address: 44:17:93:60:FD:DD 1,682 IP address: 6,931 Wifi connected to R2D2 6,963 Wifi MAC address: 44:17:93:60:FD:DC 6,965 Wifi got IP address: Connected to BSSID 44:4E:6D:ED:2E:AE Warum steht da "Wifi connected to R2D2"? R2D2 ist mein WLAN.
  4. Mein Fehler mit dem Router, der spielt ja keine Rolle. Der Mac ist mit dem ESP verbunden, der ESP hat die ursprüngliche WLAN Konfiguration.
  5. Danke für die Antwort, IP-Connection-Enumerate-Beispiel funktioniert nicht, da ipcon_connect -4 zurückgibt. Ich hatte nur einen Brick Viewer offen, testweise auch gar keinen. Binding Version ist: 2.1.33, ESP-Firmware: 2.0.1, Brick Viewer: 2.4.22 Gleiches Problem unter macOS 12.4 (M1).
  6. Hallo zusammen, ich kann keine Verbindung zum ESP32 über WLAN aufbauen, ipcon_connect gibt -4 (E_NO_CONNECT) zurück, während Brick Viewer die Verbindung mit den gleichen Einstellungen herstellen kann. Hier der Code: IPConnection ipcon; ipcon_create(&ipcon); // Create device object DC dc; dc_create(&dc, UID, &ipcon); // Connect to brickd int result = ipcon_connect(&ipcon, "", 4223); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect\n"); return; } ... MacOS 10.15.7 Irgendwelche Ideen dazu? Danke und beste Grüße, Eberhard
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