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How could the output of PID controller converted into Boolean to allow "SSR" Solid State Relay for Heater Controlling system using LabVIEW?


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I'm working on a project for controlling Heater. As i used PID Controller the Output is Numeric I set the Range  (0-100). Now the Solid State Relay can only get an ON/OFF Signal. 

what shall I do to transfer the PID output range to be a readable signal for the Relay? 

- As the output has to be Function in time. for example,  (PID=0 output the SSR =0, PID Output = 10% relay has to be open for x seconds, ....) how can I initiate such a function using LABVIEW

- OR are there any other options to get this Done?


The system that I used is: "Master Brick connected with SSR Bricklet and Thermocouple Bricklet"  Programmed using LabVIEW.



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