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Posts erstellt von JavaLaurence

  1. Hi guys,


    On my setup Brickv happily starts up with an enabled Connect button. But when I press it, it moans to me that brickd probably isn't running (it isn't, since it just crashes all the time).


    A cleaner, more user-friendly approach is to only enable the Connect button **after** brickv itself checked whether brickd is running or not. This is a less frustrating approach... and doesn't violate a classic UI design guideline: "don't allow the user to perform ANY operation which the program itself can know in advance will fail".


    When brickv sees that brickd isn't running, it could also "annotate" or "decorate" the Connect button (which is disabled) with a little friendly remark like "No brickd running".


    Hope this helps,




  2. I'm not familiar with any native Mac development, and I don't really fancy a dive into Apple's dev tools.


    I think the most efficient way forwards is if we can work interactively, either via Skype, screen sharing, you name it. You're free to run gdb on my machine remotely.


    One way or the other I'd like to get this problem solved ASAP, because I can't do absolutely anything with my gear.. :-(

  3. Thx for the quick reply. Downloaded your other version.. but still no joy:



    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:libexec laurencevanhelsuwe$ cd brickd.app/

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:brickd.app laurencevanhelsuwe$ cd Contents/

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:Contents laurencevanhelsuwe$ cd MacOS/

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$ ls -l

    total 352

    -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  102192 Jan 23 20:08 brickd

    -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 root  wheel  74156 Jan 23 20:08 libusb-1.0.0.dylib

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$ ./brickd --version

    Illegal instruction: 4

    Laurence-Vanhelsuwes-iMac:MacOS laurencevanhelsuwe$



  4. Hi guys,


    Forgive me for posting in your German section, but I have a language-related question.


    How many of you would have problems writing your posts in English, so that they benefit a (much) wider community? I suspect very few..


    I realize TF is German, but don't we all wish that TF finds world-wide success, and not only German success? If so, I'm sure that many non-German potential customers would prefer an English-centric TinkerForge .


    I personally can't read 90% of what you guys write about, but I would love to. I'm sure many others are in the same linguistic boat.


    Plz consider posting in English. I think it would help the TinkerForge cause.






  5. Got my gear unpacked, and trying to get things going for the very first time.. but brickd doesn't want to play ball.


    After installing and checking with --version, I got a Segmentation fault. So I rebooted my Mac, thinking I'm probably to blame (hint), and tried again. Now I get Illegal instruction: 4.


    Not so nice out-of-the-box behavior. What can I do to try to progress beyond this?






  6. Hi guys,


    Browsing the forum it is clear that many people outside TinkerForge have some neat ideas to enhance the current product lineup. Instead of letting these ideas get lost in individual postings, would it not be a good idea to enhance the site to allow people to +1 on ideas formally collected and displayed somewhere, so that TinkerForge can gauge market demand for new features more efficiently?


  7. Looking at the LCD 16x2 and 20x4 Bricklet docs, I read that both parts seem to use the KS0066U chip, yet that chip's spec states that it can only support 2 lines. Can it be that a copy-paste error has crept in the 20x4 docs? Does it use a more capable driver chip?


    Secondly, I would like to display huge HH:MM (time) digits on my LCD. I've seen photos of 4-line displays showing such clock digits built from DOS-like block characters, but after peeking at the currently supported character set, the Bricklet doesn't seem to have the necessary block chars. So my question is: will you enhance the API to support using the RAM-programmable charset generator area of the KS0066U?


    And finally, the standard charset looks very wasteful of precious 8-bit code space (what with the 32-odd Japanese glyphs and the 51 (!!) different codes mapping to blanks/spaces). Any plans on shipping an LCD with more efficient use of the code space?


  8. Thanks for the enlightening reply. It's a shame that the protocol is so USB-centric. I guess that's historic. Somehow I had imagined a protocol that is less bandwidth-limited, but that's because I'm thinking Wifi all the time, not USB.


    I would love to see some technical docs on the new protocol. I've got some experience on low-level (TCP/UDP-based) protocol development myself, so maybe I can give some feedback.

  9. Hi,


    For a home security application, I would like to record sound.


    Looking through the Bricklet catalog, there's apparently no Microphone Bricklet.. so is there any other way?


    I would prefer something out of the catalog though. An ideal Microphone Bricklet would expose some streaming audio API... I know that sampling an ADC at 44kHz or less is really simple, so I'm wondering why I can't just order such a cool Bricklet today? Is there a technical obstacle or is it just lack of sufficient demand? Uncompressed 16-bit mono audio would require a comms bandwidth of less than 0.7 mbps... which USB 1.0 can easily cope with.


    Anyone here already doing some TF-based audio recordings?



  10. I would also love a way to use TinkerForge products WITHOUT having to keep a computer running 24/24. I mean, these ATMel CPUs are 32bit, surely they can run *some* guest program in addition to the whole TF framework? We just need some Brick to contain a decent amount of RAM and Flash storage.


    Personally, I would love that guest code to be written in Java, but realise that may be asking too much. ;-)

  11. Hi,


    I'm not yet an owner of any TF kit, but I've already made a shopping list for a waterpump control solution. Maybe I'm a bit slow, but am I right in thinking that currently I need a PC to run all the intelligence? I would love to create a small stack that contains the logic to control the pump, and log/buffer events until such time in the evening when I switch my Mac on, and want to view what my solution did during the day. I really don't like the idea of my Mac having to be switched on all day... (not very ecological).


    Is TinkerForge planning on allowing standalone operation of Master Bricks? Will we get some buffering storage to store some data in? (pretty please)






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