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Real Time Clock 2.0 Bricklet gewünscht

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Hallo zusammen,

mein WARP2 Charger Pro hängt in der Tiefgarage, in der er trotz Repeater im Keller nur gaanz selten WLAN bekommt. 
Daher funktioniert die Einstellung der Zeit über nntp nicht und die Ladehistorie ist quasi Müll, weil sie keine vernünftigen Zeitstempel enthält.

Im StartUp-Log erkenne ich, daß zwar nach einem RTC-Bricklet gesucht wird, aber keines gefunden wird. Auf der Seite mit Zubehör zum WARP2 finde ich es nicht. Was kann ich da einsetzen? Wie kann ich ggf. die Zeit über das Web Interface manuell nach einem Reboot einstellen?


0,463      **** TINKERFORGE WARP2 CHARGER V2.0.11-639c76c2 ****
                  0,464           313K RAM SYSTEM   294868 HEAP BYTES FREE
                  0,474  READY.
                  0,474  Last reset reason was: Software reset via esp_restart.
                  0,876  Mounted data partition. 57344 of 3538944 bytes (1.6 %) used
                  1,093  WARP2 Charger config version: 2.0.0
                  1,094  ESP32 Ethernet Brick UID: Xtg
                  1,645  Starting scan to select unoccupied channel for soft AP.
                  5,681  Ethernet started
                  5,808  Set timezone to Europe/Berlin
                  5,808  No Real Time Clock 2.0 Bricklet found. Disabling Real Time Clock 2.0 support.
                  5,967  Found 1 records. First is 1, last is 1
                  5,991  Last charge record size is 272 (272, 0)
                  6,200  Web interface authentication enabled.
                  6,249  mDNS responder started
                  6,440  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                  6,443  Selecting channel 1 for softAP
                  6,445  Had to configure soft AP IP address 1 times.
                  6,445  Wifi soft AP started
                  6,455      SSID: warp2-OTA
                  6,904      MAC address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
                  6,904      IP address:
                  6,912  This is warp2-OTA (warp2-OTA), a WARP2 Charger Pro 11kW
                  9,724  Wifi connected to myWLAN
                 21,445  Wifi disconnected from myWLAN: Unknown reason (WIFI_REASON_ASSOC_LEAVE) (8). Was connected for 11 seconds.
                 21,456  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                 31,502  Wifi failed to connect to myWLAN: Reception too poor (204)
                 42,974  Wifi failed to connect to myWLAN: Reception too poor (204)
                 46,463  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                 57,970  Wifi failed to connect to myWLAN: Reception too poor (204)
                 91,467  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                102,807  Wifi failed to connect to myWLAN: Reception too poor (204)
                176,471  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                177,806  Wifi connected to myWLAN
                301,675  Wrote last uptime to flash
                341,679  Wifi disconnected from myWLAN: Unknown reason (WIFI_REASON_ASSOC_LEAVE) (8). Was connected for 163 seconds.
                341,690  Wifi connecting to myWLAN
                351,741  Wifi failed to connect to myWLAN: Reception too poor (204)



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