TUMler Posted May 21, 2014 at 09:04 PM Posted May 21, 2014 at 09:04 PM Hallo, bei mir tritt folgender Fehler auf: Nach dem (fehlerfreien) Compilieren des C-Beispielcodes der Wetterstation (s.u.) in Dev-C++ 5.4.0 erscheint beim Ausführen ("Run") des Programms der Fehler "Error launching programm" x/x/x.exe ist keine zulässige Win32-Anwendung. Was mache ich falsch? Im BrickV 2.0.4. funktioniert alles. Ich konnte im Forum nichts finden. Beste Grüße Lucas Anhang: C-Code #include <stdio.h> #include "ip_connection.h" #include "bricklet_lcd_20x4.h" #include "bricklet_humidity.h" #include "bricklet_barometer.h" #include "bricklet_ambient_light.h" #define HOST "localhost" #define PORT 4223 typedef struct { IPConnection ipcon; LCD20x4 lcd; bool lcd_created; Humidity humidity; Barometer barometer; AmbientLight ambient_light; } WeatherStation; void cb_illuminance(uint16_t illuminance, void *user_data) { WeatherStation *ws = (WeatherStation*)user_data; if(ws->lcd_created) { char text[30] = {'\0'}; sprintf(text, "Illuminanc %6.2f lx", illuminance/10.0); lcd_20x4_write_line(&ws->lcd, 0, 0, text); printf("Write to line 0: %s\n", text); } } void cb_humidity(uint16_t humidity, void *user_data) { WeatherStation *ws = (WeatherStation*)user_data; if(ws->lcd_created) { char text[30] = {'\0'}; sprintf(text, "Humidity %6.2f %%", humidity/10.0); lcd_20x4_write_line(&ws->lcd, 1, 0, text); printf("Write to line 1: %s\n", text); } } void cb_air_pressure(int32_t air_pressure, void *user_data) { WeatherStation *ws = (WeatherStation *)user_data; if(ws->lcd_created) { char text[30] = {'\0'}; sprintf(text, "Air Press %7.2f mb", air_pressure/1000.0); lcd_20x4_write_line(&ws->lcd, 2, 0, text); printf("Write to line 2: %s\n", text); int16_t temperature; int rc = barometer_get_chip_temperature(&ws->barometer, &temperature); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get temperature: %d\n", rc); return; } memset(text, '\0', sizeof(text)); // 0xDF == ° on LCD 20x4 charset sprintf(text, "Temperature %5.2f %cC", temperature/100.0, 0xDF); lcd_20x4_write_line(&ws->lcd, 3, 0, text); sprintf(text, "Temperature %5.2f °C", temperature/100.0); printf("Write to line 3: %s\n", text); } } void cb_connected(uint8_t connected_reason, void *user_data) { WeatherStation *ws = (WeatherStation *)user_data; if(connected_reason == IPCON_CONNECT_REASON_AUTO_RECONNECT) { printf("Auto Reconnect\n"); while(true) { int rc = ipcon_enumerate(&ws->ipcon); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate: %d\n", rc); // TODO: sleep 1s continue; } break; } } } void cb_enumerate(const char *uid, const char *connected_uid, char position, uint8_t hardware_version[3], uint8_t firmware_version[3], uint16_t device_identifier, uint8_t enumeration_type, void *user_data) { WeatherStation *ws = (WeatherStation *)user_data; int rc; // avoid unused parameter warning (void)connected_uid; (void)position; (void)hardware_version; (void)firmware_version; if(enumeration_type == IPCON_ENUMERATION_TYPE_CONNECTED || enumeration_type == IPCON_ENUMERATION_TYPE_AVAILABLE) { if(device_identifier == LCD_20X4_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER) { lcd_20x4_create(&ws->lcd, uid, &ws->ipcon); lcd_20x4_clear_display(&ws->lcd); lcd_20x4_backlight_on(&ws->lcd); ws->lcd_created = true; printf("LCD 20x4 initialized\n"); } else if(device_identifier == AMBIENT_LIGHT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER) { ambient_light_create(&ws->ambient_light, uid, &ws->ipcon); ambient_light_register_callback(&ws->ambient_light, AMBIENT_LIGHT_CALLBACK_ILLUMINANCE, (void *)cb_illuminance, (void *)ws); rc = ambient_light_set_illuminance_callback_period(&ws->ambient_light, 1000); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Ambient Light init failed: %d\n", rc); } else { printf("Ambient Light initialized\n"); } } else if(device_identifier == HUMIDITY_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER) { humidity_create(&ws->humidity, uid, &ws->ipcon); humidity_register_callback(&ws->humidity, HUMIDITY_CALLBACK_HUMIDITY, (void *)cb_humidity, (void *)ws); rc = humidity_set_humidity_callback_period(&ws->humidity, 1000); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Humidity init failed: %d\n", rc); } else { printf("Humidity initialized\n"); } } else if(device_identifier == BAROMETER_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER) { barometer_create(&ws->barometer, uid, &ws->ipcon); barometer_register_callback(&ws->barometer, BAROMETER_CALLBACK_AIR_PRESSURE, (void *)cb_air_pressure, (void *)ws); rc = barometer_set_air_pressure_callback_period(&ws->barometer, 1000); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Barometer init failed: %d\n", rc); } else { printf("Barometer initialized\n"); } } } } int main() { WeatherStation ws; ws.lcd_created = false; ipcon_create(&ws.ipcon); while(true) { int rc = ipcon_connect(&ws.ipcon, HOST, PORT); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to brickd: %d\n", rc); // TODO: sleep 1s continue; } break; } ipcon_register_callback(&ws.ipcon, IPCON_CALLBACK_ENUMERATE, (void *)cb_enumerate, (void *)&ws); ipcon_register_callback(&ws.ipcon, IPCON_CALLBACK_CONNECTED, (void *)cb_connected, (void *)&ws); while(true) { int rc = ipcon_enumerate(&ws.ipcon); if(rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not enumerate: %d\n", rc); // TODO: sleep 1s continue; } break; } printf("Press key to exit\n"); getchar() ipcon_destroy(&ws.ipcon); return 0; } Quote
photron Posted May 22, 2014 at 08:11 AM Posted May 22, 2014 at 08:11 AM Die Fehlermeldung besagt, dass Dev-C++ eine kaputte .exe Datei erstellt hat. Das scheint mit erstmal nichts direkt etwas mit dem Wetterstationscode zusammen zu hängen. Hast du mal versucht ein einfaches Hello World Programm zu erstellen? Ich schätze mal, dass Dev-C++ da Beispiele mitbringt. Quote
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