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Let me start by saying that I have very little mechanical experience.  I stumbled on Tinkerforge and also Makerbeam, and the pre-fab stuff has caught my interest.  However, I have no tools, and no room for new tools to machine anything at the moment, but I still want to start.


My goal: basically to mount a small "sensor platform" with a couple of bricklets on top of a stepper motor, where the motor shaft is pointed up.  Any suggestions for how to do this with readily available components where I would not have to drill or otherwise machine something?


I have found a 5mm to M3 mounting hub https://www.pololu.com/product/1998, but the M3 holes have odd spacing, so that I would not be able to secure a Makerbeam mounting bracket with more than one screw.  I have looked through other options, but so far nothing has seemed a good match.


Anyway, thanks for any advice.




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