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Stepper motor 2,2V 1,0 A doesnt work with Silent Stepper Brick


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Good Day

I am a very newbie to tinkerforge and electronics at all. I have few probably dumb questions, but maybe can help me?

I am trying to move a small stepper motor with phase voltage/current 2,2V/ 1,0A. I have connected wires as shown in documentation of a Stepper Brick, but it doesnt move. I have no extra power supply, the Brick is connected via USB to a desktop computer.

1. Do I need external power supply for this motor? Does it have to be 2,2V (see also question 3)?

2. Do I need to adjust the standard current settings of a brick?

3. I have troubles understanding the connection between a brick and a motor, when it comes about voltage. Can someone explain how does the brick can supply different motors, with different voltages, without a need to adjust anything? This is beggining of my story with electronics, so please have patience...

Thank you for your time and answers!



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Hi Mechanix,

Stepper motors are not voltage driven but current driven. That means that the current must be precise (not higher than specified). The actual voltage does not matter. In fact you can run your motor with 24V or similiar.


1. Do I need external power supply for this motor? Does it have to be 2,2V (see also question 3)?

Yes, of course. The Stepper Brick needs an external power supply as defined in its documentation


2. Do I need to adjust the standard current settings of a brick?

You can increase the current up to the specified 1A of your motor


3. I have troubles understanding the connection between a brick and a motor, when it comes about voltage. Can someone explain how does the brick can supply different motors, with different voltages, without a need to adjust anything? This is beggining of my story with electronics, so please have patience...

Please see explaination above.


As I have mentioned an external power supply of the Stepper Brick is necessary! Without it the motor will not move.

The second thing you should have in mind is the correct connection of the motor. Bipolar stepper motors have two windings. The motor has to be connected to the Brick such that pins 1-2 are connected to one winding, and 2-3 is connected to the other winding. It does not matter which winding is which.

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