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ist jemand schon mal der Fehler unterlaufen, dass beim Abfragen von Temperatursensoren "merkwürdige" Ausreißer vorkommen?


Habe das Python Abfrageskript einfach kopiert:


#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


HOST = "localhost"

PORT = 4223

UID = "XYZ" # Change to your UID


from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection

from tinkerforge.bricklet_temperature import Temperature


# Callback function for temperature callback (parameter has unit °C/100)

def cb_temperature(temperature):

    print('Temperature: ' + str(temperature/100.0) + ' °C')


if __name__ == "__main__":

    ipcon = IPConnection() # Create IP connection

    t = Temperature(UID, ipcon) # Create device object


    ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT) # Connect to brickd

    # Don't use device before ipcon is connected


    # Set Period for temperature callback to 1s (1000ms)

    # Note: The callback is only called every second if the

    #      temperature has changed since the last call!



    # Register temperature callback to function cb_temperature

    t.register_callback(t.CALLBACK_TEMPERATURE, cb_temperature)


    raw_input('Press key to exit\n') # Use input() in Python 3




Wenn ich das laufen lasse kommen ab und zu Werte wie: -0,93 oder +120 Grad

und diese Werte können definitiv nicht vorkommen.


Hat jemand Hinweise oder eine Lösung?

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