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Brickv does not run on Raspberry - QXcbConnection


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Dear community,


I'd like to log data to a csv file from my bricklets using the brick datalogger functionality directly on my Raspberry Pi.


Brick Deamon runs as well on the Pi. Brick Viewer on my Macbook runs perfectly fine together with this deamon. Here I can easily enable the function to write log files to a csv. Now I am stuck at the last step of installing Brickviewer on the Pi, as described here: https://www.tinkerforge.com/en/doc/Software/Brickv_Install_Linux.html#brickv-install-linux


Which is run main.py from folder "src/brickv/"


I get the following error. Please note that I run this from a different folder as this seems to be the folder where the relevant files are residing.


root@raspberrypi:/usr/share/brickv# python main.py

QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display


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As there is a brickv folder in /usr/share, did you install the Brick Viewer Debian package or from source? The Debian package typically is installed to /usr/share/brickv. To start the Brick Viewer, you can run brickv from the terminal instead of calling main.py directly.


The error message indicates, that Qt can not reach the X server. Are you running your graphical interface as root or as another user? If so, Brick Viewer should work if you run it as the "normal" user.

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