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Using a servo brick to power a stack...

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Is it possible to use a servo brick, powered by a 5V PS, to

provide power to a small stack (one Servo Brick, one master brick

and 6 bricklets) ?

Note that there will be no motors connected to the Servo Brick.




You want to provide 5V to the stack via the black connector on the Servo Brick?


That's not possible. This black connector on the Servo Brick can only be used to power servo motors connected to the Servo Brick.


You can use a Step-Down Power Supply or the USB connector on the master of the stack to provide the 5V stack power.


Thanks for your reply. Yes, I was hoping that I could avoid to power

the stack from the USB connector or a Step-Down since

the servo brick can be powered from the stack connector.

That's obviously not possible  :(



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