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I have deployed a network of motion sensors on the campus that have fairly simple construction 

RPI zero -> MasterBrick -> motion 2.0 bricklet.

a python  script as a service is running on the units with a callback function to send motion as MQTT message.

Sometimes (once every 2 weeks) one of 15 units stops motion detection.  The script is still running. And restarting it does not fix the problem.

Rebooting a whole sensor with RPI is a solution to a problem.  But I have no idea how to detect a problem appeared.




By rebooting the Pi you mean power cycling it or just a software reboot? A software reboot does not restart the connected Master Brick, so this would indicate, that your problem is not the Brick or the Motion Bricklet. If this happens again, it would be interesting to see, if you can still connect to the Pi with Brick Viewer and if so, whether the Motion Bricklet is still working. Also the Brick Daemon log (/var/log/brickd.log) could be useful.


I just rebooted the RPI remotely and that fixes the problem, so it looks like the callback function "expired" I have not checked that unit with Brick Viewer but I'm quite sure it was running fine as that motion sensor does have a  temp sensor that was reporting the temps fine all that time when the motion sensor was stuck.  Next time I catch that  I will try to connect with the BrickViewer at that very moment it fails.

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