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issues with MQTT Bindings and Broker-Password


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ok, maybe, this fits better into the general discussion rather than on the project ideas section... :)

I've noticed an issue while testing the MQTT Bindings. on my linux system...

MQTT Bindings 2.0.16
I am calling the tinkerforge_mqtt with the following command:

python3 /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt --ipcon-host 123.456.78.9 --ipcon-port 4215 --broker-host 123.456.78.10 --broker-port 1883 --broker-username <user> --broker-password <password> --debug --show-payload --init-file /usr/local/bin/barometer_test.txt

the password does contain some special characters - especially it is using an underscore _ followed by too exclamation marks !!, a questionmark and again an exclamartion mark: "_!!?"
In this case, it seems, that the script can't handle the too exclamation marks - and does combine different parts of the other arguments.

I got strange errors when executing the script, for example:

tinkerforge_mqtt: error: unrecognized arguments: /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt --h?!

Here, you can see, that it has replaced the two exclamation marks from the password with the path: /usr/local/bin/tinkerforge_mqtt --h?!

I am not sure, if this is an issue with the script itself - or if this might be related to the Debian - or maybe even with the Webshell from Proxmos...
When I hit the arrow-up key to reuse the command, it did show the mixed-up command that was causing the issue.
It happened every time when I used the command - until I've changed the password on the broker and removed these characters.

After that, the script could be executed without any issues.

Would it be possible to check, if this might be an issue in the script itself?


OK, I don't know why I haven't found this yesterday...
!! is a logical NOT in the bash command...
So this might explain the behave....


Edited by CChris
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