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Posts erstellt von Superp

  1. The shop lists the Ethernet Master Extension (with PoE) as "in stock".

    But further down the page:



    Ethernet Master Extension with PoE is at the moment out of stock due to supply shortages of the RJ45 jack. We are ready for production but since the RJ45 jack is not available we can't start production. We expect that we can start production in February 2022.


    My emphasis. Can somebody clarify?

  2. Interesting question. I have done some work in that area.

    To get a rough idea of what we are talking about, I whipped up a quick script in Ruby to count the number of instance methods for each of the 147 device classes (135 Bricklets and 12 Bricks).

    The devices with the fewest methods are the two ESP32 Bricks (23 methods). The Master Brick has the most methods (146).

    Looking at Bricklets only, the outliers are the RGB LED Bricklet (25) and the LCD 128x64 Bricklet (86 methods).

    This is excluding 61 instance methods for the generic Object class (which all classes inherit from). For example, the ESP32 Brick has 84 instance methods, 61 of which are inherited from the Object class. So 23 are Tinkerforge originals.


    As an aside, this confirms what we already know: API support for the ESP32 Bricks is very poor.

    Note that Tinkerforge's base Device class, which those 147 classes inherit from, has 22 instance methods (again excluding the ones inherited from Object).

    In total, 147 device classes use 1.111 unique names for instance methods.

    Finally, a reminder that this is a quick hack. YMMV. Comments welcome.

    Without further ado, here is the table of devices, sorted by name, with their number of instance methods:

    Accelerometer Bricklet                 37
    Accelerometer Bricklet 2.0             46
    Air Quality Bricklet                   55
    Ambient Light Bricklet                 36
    Ambient Light Bricklet 2.0             33
    Ambient Light Bricklet 3.0             40
    Analog In Bricklet                     40
    Analog In Bricklet 2.0                 38
    Analog In Bricklet 3.0                 42
    Analog Out Bricklet                    27
    Analog Out Bricklet 2.0                26
    Analog Out Bricklet 3.0                37
    Barometer Bricklet                     43
    Barometer Bricklet 2.0                 52
    CAN Bricklet                           36
    CAN Bricklet 2.0                       59
    CO2 Bricklet                           31
    CO2 Bricklet 2.0                       51
    Color Bricklet                         42
    Color Bricklet 2.0                     48
    Compass Bricklet                       45
    Current12 Bricklet                     38
    Current25 Bricklet                     38
    DC Brick                               58
    DC Bricklet 2.0                        56
    Distance IR Bricklet                   38
    Distance IR Bricklet 2.0               47
    Distance US Bricklet                   33
    Distance US Bricklet 2.0               42
    DMX Bricklet                           50
    Dual Button Bricklet                   28
    Dual Button Bricklet 2.0               41
    Dual Relay Bricklet                    29
    Dust Detector Bricklet                 33
    E-Paper 296x128 Bricklet               55
    Energy Monitor Bricklet                45
    ESP32 Brick                            23
    ESP32 Ethernet Brick                   23
    GPS Bricklet                           40
    GPS Bricklet 2.0                       58
    GPS Bricklet 3.0                       58
    Hall Effect Bricklet                   33
    Hall Effect Bricklet 2.0               43
    HAT Brick                              44
    HAT Zero Brick                         38
    Humidity Bricklet                      36
    Humidity Bricklet 2.0                  47
    IMU Brick                              71
    IMU Brick 2.0                          73
    IMU Bricklet 3.0                       67
    Industrial Analog Out Bricklet         32
    Industrial Analog Out Bricklet 2.0     46
    Industrial Counter Bricklet            53
    Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet       35
    Industrial Digital In 4 Bricklet 2.0   45
    Industrial Digital Out 4 Bricklet      32
    Industrial Digital Out 4 Bricklet 2.0  44
    Industrial Dual 0-20mA Bricklet        33
    Industrial Dual 0-20mA Bricklet 2.0    46
    Industrial Dual AC Relay Bricklet      42
    Industrial Dual Analog In Bricklet     36
    Industrial Dual Analog In Bricklet 2.0 50
    Industrial Dual Relay Bricklet         40
    Industrial PTC Bricklet                50
    Industrial Quad Relay Bricklet         32
    Industrial Quad Relay Bricklet 2.0     42
    IO-16 Bricklet                         38
    IO-16 Bricklet 2.0                     49
    IO-4 Bricklet                          38
    IO-4 Bricklet 2.0                      51
    Isolator Bricklet                      43
    Joystick Bricklet                      38
    Joystick Bricklet 2.0                  42
    Laser Range Finder Bricklet            46
    Laser Range Finder Bricklet 2.0        51
    LCD 128x64 Bricklet                    86
    LCD 16x2 Bricklet                      34
    LCD 20x4 Bricklet                      38
    LED Strip Bricklet                     40
    LED Strip Bricklet 2.0                 50
    Line Bricklet                          31
    Linear Poti Bricklet                   36
    Linear Poti Bricklet 2.0               38
    Load Cell Bricklet                     40
    Load Cell Bricklet 2.0                 46
    Master Brick                           146
    Moisture Bricklet                      33
    Motion Detector Bricklet               27
    Motion Detector Bricklet 2.0           40
    Motorized Linear Poti Bricklet         43
    Multi Touch Bricklet                   30
    Multi Touch Bricklet 2.0               45
    NFC Bricklet                           70
    NFC/RFID Bricklet                      31
    OLED 128x64 Bricklet                   29
    OLED 128x64 Bricklet 2.0               43
    OLED 64x48 Bricklet                    29
    One Wire Bricklet                      42
    Outdoor Weather Bricklet               45
    Particulate Matter Bricklet            44
    Performance DC Bricklet                69
    Piezo Buzzer Bricklet                  26
    Piezo Speaker Bricklet                 27
    Piezo Speaker Bricklet 2.0             41
    PTC Bricklet                           43
    PTC Bricklet 2.0                       50
    Real-Time Clock Bricklet               33
    Real-Time Clock Bricklet 2.0           44
    RED Brick                              84
    Remote Switch Bricklet                 32
    Remote Switch Bricklet 2.0             47
    RGB LED Bricklet                       25
    RGB LED Bricklet 2.0                   36
    RGB LED Button Bricklet                40
    RGB LED Matrix Bricklet                45
    Rotary Encoder Bricklet                32
    Rotary Encoder Bricklet 2.0            39
    Rotary Poti Bricklet                   36
    Rotary Poti Bricklet 2.0               38
    RS232 Bricklet                         35
    RS232 Bricklet 2.0                     50
    RS485 Bricklet                         85
    Segment Display 4x7 Bricklet           28
    Segment Display 4x7 Bricklet 2.0       44
    Servo Brick                            69
    Servo Bricklet 2.0                     61
    Silent Stepper Brick                   81
    Silent Stepper Bricklet 2.0            83
    Solid State Relay Bricklet             28
    Solid State Relay Bricklet 2.0         39
    Sound Intensity Bricklet               31
    Sound Pressure Level Bricklet          44
    Stepper Brick                          75
    Temperature Bricklet                   33
    Temperature Bricklet 2.0               40
    Temperature IR Bricklet                38
    Temperature IR Bricklet 2.0            43
    Thermal Imaging Bricklet               50
    Thermocouple Bricklet                  34
    Thermocouple Bricklet 2.0              41
    Tilt Bricklet                          28
    UV Light Bricklet                      31
    UV Light Bricklet 2.0                  46
    Voltage Bricklet                       36
    Voltage/Current Bricklet               45
    Voltage/Current Bricklet 2.0           48
    XMC1400 Breakout Bricklet              46


    • Like 1
  3. Yes, the APIR-2150 works with the Remote Switch Bricklet 2.0, as a type B. It sends "on" when movement is detected (15 repeats), and "off" after a configurable period of non-movement (15 repeats).

    I use a KlikAanKlikUit branded version, the Trust version I think is identical.



    A provisional list of tested devices is here.

  4. I'm not sure it is the ideal solution, but I think it could work, if 1-switch-only is not negotiable.

    Otherwise, I would maybe use a hard (power) switch, and some user input (button, multitouch surface, ...) and output (LED, display, ...). An RGB button combines both (as a soft switch and LED status indicator):

    1. User switches on power (hard switch).
    2. System boots, LED turns green when system operational.
    3. When user is finished, she pushes the button. LED blinks red. Shutdown happens as you described above. LED turns off.
    4. User switches off power (but no drama if she forgets).
    5. Should battery run low earlier, LED blinks pink, system shuts down, LED turns off.
    6. To resume work, switch on power.


    P.S. I also considered using something like an Intertechno CMR-1224, but I think that is just convoluted.


  5. Your use of shutdown confuses me. I think you sometimes mean halt (stop running), sometimes power off (cut power supply).

    When main power drops, first do the necessary housekeeping: stop operations, set system (motors, etc) to a safe state, log event, send alert, write/close files, etc.

    Then, from your script/daemon/service (this is Ruby):

    # Shutdown system after 1 minute
    `sudo shutdown`
    # Switch off power after 1.5 minutes
    hat.set_sleep_mode 90, 2**32-1, true, true, true
    # Finally

    The power_off_duration has a max of 2**32-1, which is 136 years. I think that should do.

    That final true might as well be false, your choice.

  6. Hello Yvo,

    Interesting question. I have 0 knowledge of the StromPi. Two ideas:

    1. Eliminate the HAT Brick and replace it with one or more Master Bricks connected via USB – you already had this idea.
    2. Eliminate the StromPi. Instead, feed > 6v into the HAT Brick's DC input, and connect a power bank to the HAT Brick's USB. The Brick will choose the power source with the highest voltage, so when the Stromhauptversorgung is interrupted, it switches to USB power. Both voltages can be read via the API, so these can be monitored and can trigger an action in your software.


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