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When will the motion detection bricklet be available?

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Hi fellas,


Any idea when the motion detection bricklet will be available and what its price is going to be? I plan to install motion sensors in every room of my house and use the feedback to switch lights.


Now I could use a 5v motion detector sensor with the IO bricklets, but if Tinkerforge has a bricklet coming at a reasonable price I'll wait for that.


I've seen the bricklet in the server room kit, so I hope its about to hit the shop!


Hi Cathodion

Just curious about your ideas to install PIR sensors in every room.

Can you tell more about your installation/setup?

Do you use Wifi Extension? RS485? One master per room? How do you switch lights? Do you use remote control switches for switching on/off lights like it's done in the Hardware Hacking Starter Kit?




  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cathodion

Just curious about your ideas to install PIR sensors in every room.

Can you tell more about your installation/setup?

Do you use Wifi Extension? RS485? One master per room? How do you switch lights? Do you use remote control switches for switching on/off lights like it's done in the Hardware Hacking Starter Kit?




Hi Raphael,


My project is still in R&D phase. I intend to install a brick in every room with a PIR, ambient light, temperature and humidity sensor attached. This means I can choose to only switch the light on when there is movement and the ambient light level is below a certain threshold. There's usually no need to switch lights on during the day.

I'm not sure how to alter the traditional electrical wiring of my house, but I'm thinking of creating a "hotel-switch" setup between the existing wall switches and the dual relay bricklets. (Don't want to upset the less tech-savvy residents).

As far as extensions are concerned, I'm not using any. I've bought several 5m USB cables (6 euros) which allow me to connect the bricks on all rooms of a single floor in my house to 1 USB Hub. I've also found a USB to Ethernet converter (20 euros) which allows me to connect the HUBs from all floors to a single Raspberry Pi located in the basement using (max) 50m USB connections using Ethernet cables.

As I said, this is still in development phase, but I'll post a nice blog about it when there's something to show.


This makes me curious about your applications of Tinkerforge stuff. Care to share?


Kind regards,

Geert Schuring.



Hi Geert

The long USB cables are a good and cheap alternative I haven't thought so far.


I have several thinks I do with TF of plan to do with TF.

First of all I'm building a robot, which can be controlled via Internet. It has a WebCam on it so I can check my home when I'm in vacation ;-).

I also build a charger station where the batteries can be loaded (power is one of the major issues for such a vehicle). Robot is right now on-hold, because of my other project: home automation.


The goal here is to control my home (lights etc.) via human voice.

I use TF here for hacking some IR remote control. The 230V things will be controlled by a Z-Wave Network (with Raspberry Pi as a main controller (raZberry)).




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