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HAT Brick: 5V power-supply without USB-connector but using additionally solded cable onto the HAT


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Dear List

I have to use the 5V power-supply of the HAT Brick additionally to the 5-28V DC-input. But for constructive reasons (no available space), I cannot use an USB-connectors.


  • Is there a possibility / location to sold a cable directly onto the HAT Brick?

With soldering directly a cable, I could use the additional power-supply (which I have to use for several reasons additionally to the 5-28V DC-input, see https://www.tinkerunity.org/topic/11345-hat-brick-und-strompi-3-mögliche-konflikte-bei-serieller-kommunikation-respektive-problem-bei-konfiguration-von-strompi-3/ ) even within the very small space available where the RPi and HAT are installed.

Looking forward to any ideas and suggestions.



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Dear batti

Thank you very much for the advice and pointing out the precise location. I had a look at the HAT itself, puhh, this is all pretty small. I guess, this will exceed my skills of soldering 😟

I re-checked the available space between the USB-socket and the case were the RPI and the HAT are located:

  • There are 15mm available.

Using an USB-cable with a 90-degrees rotated plug, it should fit. See attached images.

Probably, buying such cables, cutting and just using the two power-wires will be easier than soldering an additional cable onto the board of the HAT.

Hope you agree.





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  • 7 months later...

Dear all

Time is running. But I am currently implementing the proposed solution:

  • Main power-supply of HAT and RPi through the HAT 28V power-connection using 20V to 25V battery-power.
  • Additional power-supply of HAT and RPi through the HAT USB-C 5V power-connection.

The main power-supply is connected to a hardware-switch. And the USB-C supply is connected through a IndustrialDualRelais.

At startup using the main-switch, a service defined at the RPi starts a PowerWatcher Python-application. The application immediately turns the 5V power-supply on.

During the runtime of the RPi, the PowerWatcher checks every second the power-input of the main power-supply of the HAT. If the current drops below the power provided by the battery (main-switch turn off by human), the PowerWatcher starts the shutdown-procedure.

The shutdown-procedure delays the cut of the 5V power-supply by a configured time. If the main-switch is turned on again by human, the shutdown-procedure stops.

As soon as the configured delay-time is reached, the PowerWatcher turns off the entire setup using

hat.set_sleep_mode(0, 2**32-1, True, True, False)

With turning off the bricklets as well, the 5V power-supply gets cut as well and the entire unit is without power-supply.

So far, it works.

A still open question is, how to use the function set_sleep_mode-function and a proper shutdown-command in combination. But I will ask this in a separat thread.



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